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Cosmetic Dentistry – Denver, CO

Making Dream Smiles Come True

Two women with beautiful smiles after cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dental imperfections, even if they’re small, can have a huge impact on your self-confidence and desire to smile. Dr. Soltani is passionate about helping her patients transform their grins by repairing dental damage, brightening discolored teeth, and eliminating misalignments and gaps. At our calm and serene dental office, you can fully relax while our team works on giving you the smile of your dreams with cosmetic dentistry in Denver, CO.

Why Choose Paradise Dentistry & Orthodontics for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • Beautiful & Unique Dental Office
  • Cosmetic Dentist with 17+ Years of Experience
  • Quiet Instruments & Soothing Atmosphere

Porcelain Veneers

Smile compared with porcelain shade chart

Veneers are an incredibly versatile cosmetic treatment that can address a wide array of imperfections at the same time, including stains, dental damage, slight misalignments, and even gaps. A veneer is a thin, durable shell made of dental porcelain that is custom-fitted to an individual tooth. Once it’s attached, it conceals any cosmetic flaws, replacing them with a beautiful and bright look.

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Metal-Free Dental Restorations

Man with healthy smile after metal free dental restorations

Do you have an old, noticeable metal crown that’s visible whenever you speak? The centerpiece of your smile shouldn’t be a restoration. We use biocompatible, custom-shaded, and durable materials to repair and restore damaged and missing teeth, like ceramic and zirconia. Once placed on your affected tooth/teeth, you’ll be able to smile with confidence again knowing that your mouth looks as healthy as it feels.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Cosmetic dental bonding hand tool

Even minor damage to your teeth, like a small chip or broken tooth, can have a huge impact on how you feel about your smile. Fortunately, there’s a cost-effective, simple, and hassle-free way to fix minor damage, and it’s with cosmetic bonding. Dr. Soltani can replace the missing portion of your tooth with a putty-like substance called composite resin. She’ll attach the resin to your tooth and texturize it to look like natural enamel before curing it with a UV light. The result will be a renewed grin that you feel confident to let show again.

Learn More About Dental Bonding

Teeth Whitening

Patient receiving teeth whitening

If you have an upcoming job interview, wedding, or another important event in the near future where you need to look your best, professional teeth whitening by Dr. Soltani is perfect for you. She offers both in-office and take-home treatments. The best part about going to a dentist for whitening is that you’ll be able to trust that your enhanced pearly whites will retain their brightness for several months to come.

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Gum Recontouring

Closeup of smile after gum recontouring

When you look at your smile in the mirror, do you feel like it’s overrun by your pink gum tissue? After working so hard to keep your teeth healthy and intact, it makes sense that you’d want them to be the focal point of your grin. Using a soft tissue laser, Dr. Soltani can gently remove excess tissue, revealing more of your teeth to even out and balance your smile.

Understanding the Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry

confident man smiling in front of a yellow background

Before you proceed with any treatment, you probably want to know how much it will cost. We want to be transparent and straightforward with you; however, we won’t be able to give you an accurate estimate until Dr. Soltani has examined your mouth and put together an individualized treatment plan. Because each case is unique, we are unable to even provide ranges of prices. You’ll need to schedule a consultation to get a clearer idea of the cost of your perfect smile.

Which Cosmetic Dental Service is Right for Me?

woman looking in the mirror with the dentist next to her

Although we can’t give specific numbers, we can share some principles that may help you get an idea of the cost of various treatments. For example, teeth whitening tends to be the most cost-effective option; then, bonding is usually the next cheapest. The cost of veneers and metal-free restorations can vary drastically depending on how many teeth are being treated. If you require a more complex treatment plan, a smile makeover may cost more because of the various services you might need.

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Be an Investment Worth Making

happy woman smiling in front of gray background

Even if you plan on making small changes to your smile, it can have a powerful impact on your life. When you have attractive teeth and gums, you’re more likely to want to share your smile more often. This habit can help others feel happier but also give you a boost to your mood and self-esteem. Plus, people have been shown to perceive people with appealing smiles as more successful, trustworthy, and competent.

Whether you are trying to reach your career goals, meet someone new, or just feel better about yourself, cosmetic dental treatments come with priceless benefits that keep on giving.

How to Make Cosmetic Dentistry Affordable

dental assistant showing a brochure to patients

At Paradise Dentistry & Orthodontics, we provide several methods for keeping your out-of-pocket costs reasonable. For instance, if you are interested in meeting with Dr. Soltani to discuss a smile makeover, right now the consultation is free! In addition, you can’t rely on dental insurance to pay for cosmetic procedures, but if you are a member of our savings plan, you may get a 25 percent discount on treatment. That’s significant savings!

Also, if you’d prefer paying for your cosmetic work over the course of several months instead of all upfront, we can help you apply for flexible financing, which breaks up the total into monthly installments.

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